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Multilayered Agent-Based Cyber Physical System with Integrated Cloud
Cyber-physical systems are becoming more complex and heterogeneous in the frame of Internet of Cyber-Physical Things and Industry environments. Behaviour of such systems is difficult to analyse and control due to the system scale and emergency aspects. Multi-agent paradigm is a suitable formalism for modelling these kinds of systems and simulation modelling is important for getting an insight into the system, for synthesising its control, and for analysing performance and efficiency of systems under various circumstances. Cyber-Physical Systems are an integration of monitoring, communica¬tion, and computation operations; they capture physical data using embedded systems and sensor networks, and respond to the environment using actuators and soft¬ware components.
Embedded systems form the basis of all devices that are currently growing. With increasingly sophisticated technology advancements the dimensions of the devices are getting smaller, and the computing capabilities are now almost on par with the PC in the past two to three years. Based on those abilities the device can be paired with other components such as wireless communication technology, sensors and other supporting components to determine the state of the environment, or actuators as well to give response. A system that combines the capabilities of computing, communications and data storage, in order to monitor or control the entities that exist in the physical are world called Cyber Physical Systems.