Paper Title
Design and Performance Analysis of a Grid Connected PV System in Jorhat, India
This paper addresses the design and analysis of a photovoltaic (PV) based microgrid which can operate in both grid connected as well as isolated mode. The model is designed and simulated using MATLAB/Simulink. The grid design consists of both ac network and dc network connected using bidirectional converter, such kind of grid is known as a hybrid grid. The ac network includes the 3 phase conventional source and other requisite parameters of the ac distribution grid such as transmission line and transformers. The dc network model includes the renewable source of energy generation- the PV panel along with a battery system. The network consists of power consumption load and basic electrical measuring devices. PI controller and current controlled voltage source is used to maintain the constant output voltage for smooth coordination and running of the grid model. The paper reports the analysis of the performance of the hybrid grid during different operating conditions when a PV system is connected to the conventional source. The Hill Climb Search algorithm is used in the grid design and a baseline study is done using PVGIS software to analyze the feasibility of setting up rooftop photovoltaic panel or a PV system at the selected site of Jorhat district in Assam
Keywords - PV Grid, Microgrid, PI controller, hybrid grid, MATLAB/Simulink, PVGIS.