Paper Title
MOOCS for Digital Game Based Learning for Learners
In recent years two eras of attracted attention in research which are open education and game based education. In the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) required student motivations either extrinsically or intrinsically for completing any type of educational course. The MOOCs achieves grate popularity and benefits in educational. MOOCs are much attractive and enjoying learning concept than the traditional learning and in this learner can learn through the videos, and evaluations with puzzle/quizzes.Here, we present digital puzzle games based learning techniques for the learners and evaluate role of this technique within the MOOCs. In this system makes questions PDF of learns and it generate screenshot of puzzle game. In this gamification elementwe have implemented for MOOCs and it is easy to learn new things for the learner through gaming. This technique also helpful for the ‘how and why’ playing can be beneficial for thenew learning. Through this gaming based systems we improve learning interest in learning and it is easy for learning technique for new learner. To the find out positive and negative learners repose we used Naive Bayes and C4.5 and TF-IDF are used to ranking the extracted links.
Keywords - PDF, Gamifications, Puzzle Game, MOOCs and Learns.