Paper Title
Does Commitment have Gender?

Commitment within employees is an important factor which can assist organizations in achieving their goals. Organizational commitment is an inner feeling which makes employee dedicated towards their organization and bond them for staying in the organization for a longer time. It is a feeling of dedication towards their organisation and willingness to work hard and intend to remain in the organisation. Academic institution and universities in particular faces the challenges of commitment and in turn performance and attrition. It has been observed that gender plays an important role in commitment. Universities and higher educational institutes directly affects the future of any country and hence needs highly committed and dedicated teachers. This study has attempted to gauze the level of commitment among government and private university teachers in the city of Luckow, Uttar Pradesh. Using structured questionnaires 881 teachers has been interviewed and the data suggests that there is no significant difference in mean commitment score among males and females and across university and gender. This finding will remove any gender bias in recruitment. Further, the findings would be helpful in designing future course of action. Future study might investigate at a broader geographic level and other attributes perceived to affect commitment among university teachers. Keywords - Organizational Commitment, Gender, Teachers, Private and Government Universities