Paper Title
Study on the Effects of Nudging Behaviour on Employee’s Productivity at Workplace

The present study investigates the effect of Nudging on employee’s productivity at workplace. Nudging is a method that responds to impulsive behaviour of human beings. Nudging is aimed at influencing human behaviour but does not enforce a particular choice, keeping all the options available. People make their own choices, and feel positive about it. The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Nudging on employee productivity and with a detailed analysis we can say that Nudging does, in fact have a positive effect on employee’s productivity at workplace. The data was collected from 122 employees varying with work experience from 0-2 years, 2-5 years, 5-10 years, and some with 10+years of experience. One sample t-test was used to see the effect of Nudging on employee’s productivity at workplace. The analysis covered various parameters, such as health, cultural change, financial planning, compliance, and recognition. Findings suggest that Nudging has a positive effect on employee’s productivity at workplace. The majority of responses were in agreement that various nudging techniques would actually drive employees to work harder and in turn become more productive. Keywords - Nudging, Employee Productivity, Organization Culture, Employee Recognition, Financial Planning, Health and Well-Being, Compliance