Paper Title
The Implication of Industry 4.0 and Sustainability-A Scenario of Malaysian SMES
The idea of Industry 4.0 materialized in the most recent years due to technological development and disruptive improvements in the worldwide manufacturing sector. Industry 4.0 implies an innovative and prevailing industrial wave involving the latest digital and virtual technologies and is service-centered. Malaysian Government is very concern to adopt the latest technologies of Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing sector as their current industry is ranging between Industry 2.0 to industry 3.0. Fortifying the fourth industrial revolution and digital economy with emphasis on industrial revolution 4.0 and promoting environmental sustainability to help Malaysian SMEs to adopt new technologies towards Industry 4.0 is one of the crucial problems addressed in this research. The eleventh plan of Malaysia represents a crucial platform for the Malaysian SMEs to create the essential strategy relocation and this research integrates Industry 4.0 and sustainability addressing the thrust area of digital Malaysia to shift behavior from being consumption- to production-centric using digital technologies. This study will employ a cross-sectional survey of Malaysian SMEs and has set a target to collect above 350 samples using simple random sampling from 5 states of Malaysia. The study also planned to use questionnaire-based survey and for data analysis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) will be used.
Keywords - Industry 4.0, Sustainability, Business Performance.