Paper Title
Behavioural Biases Affecting Female Labour Force Participation

Globally, several factors act as impediments in the path of women as they set out to join the labour markets. Behavioural biases which are the incorrect and potentially harmful behaviours are amongst these reasons. Behavioural biases lead humans to make irrational decisions. In economics, it is assumed that individuals make rational decisions to maximize their utility but humans tend to fail at making rational decisions because of the cognitive biases. Labour market theories are also based on the assumption that individuals join the labour market or move within the market in order to maximize their utility. Biases like status quo bias, herd mentality, risk aversion and pessimism bias affect women’s decision to join the labour force. Besides the social constraints and low incomes from work, these behavioural biases can also hinder women from participating in the labour force. Keywords - Female Labour Force Participation, Behavioural Biases, Status Quo Bias, Herd Mentality, Risk Aversion, Pessimism Bias