Paper Title
Bodo Movement in Assam: A Historical Analysis

Mobilization and movement to reclaim lost identity and space as well as to carve out new one is a universal phenomenon. In North Eastern part of India ethnicity and identity are the root causes behind such mobilization. In western part of Assam, the Bodos have been fighting for the cause of a separate Bodoland. A historical understanding of the movement have brought into light different phases of the same: from moderate to militant phases out of its interplay with different factors. The response from the state is visible in different forms; sometimes through the means of suppression while on other times through political and constitutional solutions as evident in the creation of Bodoland Territorial Council. This paper provides a historical account of the long drawn Bodo movement with different phases and different stakeholders whose demand have been ranging from separate homeland to more autonomy that ultimately found a solution with the creation of BTC in 2003. Such an account will be followed by the description of the autonomy arrangement for Bodoland as provided under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution and the role of peace accords as well as the post 2003 status of stability and peace in the region. Keywords - Bodo, Autonomy, Sixth Schedule, Constitution, BTC, Peace Accords