Paper Title
Content Based Medical Image Retrieval: A Review
Content based image retrieval (CBIR) is the one of most vivid research area in the computer field from the last many years. Content based image retrieval is a computer application which is used for the recovering of the similar images from large database. CBIR has very strong impact in various fields such as research, diagnostics and educations etc. Now-days the advancement in medical images is very increased. Manually retrieval of images using keywords hardly describes the diversity and ambiguity of image contents. CBIR selects the similar images from the large database of the medical images for the query image. To get the information about the images is an important task for the accomplishment of any image analysis. Various techniques are required for the image handling like features extraction, noise removal, contrast and edges enhancement. This paper will focus on the recent advances in the medical field. It will also focus on the CBIR classification and the applications of content based image retrieval in various field.
Keywords- CBIR (Content Based Image Retrieval) Systems, Feature Extraction, Image Retrieval, Wavelet Transform.