Paper Title
A Review on Shortest Path Algorithm

A shortest-path algorithm finds a path containing the minimal cost between two vertices in a graph. Shortest-path algorithms are studied across multiple disciplines. This review paper presents an insight of shortest-path algorithms on the basis of its classification. One aspect of this classification is various forms of the shortest-path problem. No specific general algorithm is capable of solving all varieties of shortest-path problem due to time and space complexities associated with each algorithm. Other important aspects include whether the shortest-path algorithm works over static or dynamic graphs, whether it gives precise or approximate answers, and whether its goal is to achieve time-dependence or is to only be goal oriented. Routing in today's computer networks is based on the shortest path problem. This leads to minimization of overall costs of setting up computer networks. Latest technologies such as GPS systems also rely on the shortest path problem. The prime objective of this paper is to analyse Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, and Dijkstra’s Algorithm in solving the shortest path problem. A brief analysis is done on the different types of shortest path algorithms. Also detailed explanations of the algorithms and implementations of the algorithms are depicted in graphical manner in order to show how each of the algorithms works. The outcome of evaluating the Floyd-Warshall, Bellman-Ford, and Dijkstra’s algorithms along with their respective time complexity conclude the paper. Keyword - Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Shortest path Problem, Single Source Shortest path Problem