Paper Title
Taxonomic Diversity of Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in Gangetic Riparian Zones: A Prilimilary Study

In the present work we studied taxonomic diversity of the spider community of the riparian zones of the Ganga river for the first time. We used index of taxonomic diversity (Δ+) and the index of variation in taxonomic distinctness (λ+) for the assessment of the taxonomic diversity. By Kruskal–Wallis rank sum test we found that the upper, middle and lower zones of the Ganga river in the Gangetic plain did not differ in terms of index of taxonomic diversity and index of variation in taxonomic distinctness. We also found that these two indices had linear relationship. We recommend for further research on the taxonomic diversity of the riparian biota for effective conservation management planning. Keywords - Taxonomic diversity, Spiders, Ganga river, Riparian zone