Paper Title
Indigenous Folk Medicines used by Tribal Population in Amarkantak Region of Anuppur District, Madhya Pradesh, India

Folk medicine comprises of medicinal aspects of traditional knowledge of natural resources that are developed over generations within a particular society. Every culture has aset of attitudes regarding the cause of a disease which are rooted in their cultural systems. Constant changes in economy, therapy, technology influences the way communities view and respond to diseases. According to the survey undertaken in Amarkantak region ofAnuppur district of Madhya Pradesh, India various tribal population like Bhil, Gond, Bharia, Oragon, Kol, Korku, Muria and Baiga are living in this region and are using several medicinal plants for treating different diseases. Their main source of their income is from forest and forest products. Theses tribes of Madhya Pradesh are known for their unique social, cultural and traditional aspects. A total of 70 medicinal plants species distributed in 37 families are present in the district of Anuppur, M.P. These medicinal plants are used for treating several diseases like headache, earache, gastritis, stomachache, immunomodulators, liver protective, renal protective, arthritis, antidiabetic, abortificients, wound infections, skin infections, fever, cough, diarrhea, eye infections, general weakness, blood purifier etc. Keywords - Folk Medicine, Constant Changes, Social, Cultural and Traditional Aspects