Paper Title
Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Bank Performance
Introduction: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the social, legal and moral responsibility of banks toward society. It not only boosts morale of society but also help to ascertain the enrichment of banking performance. CSR joins financial institutions with society and helps in creating bond. The crucial aspect of bank is to bridge gap between haves and haves not through financial distribution. In this regard, CSR play vital role to integrate community driven activities and helps enhance banks reputation.CSR in many ways influence perception of society and bring positive vibe for enriching performance of bank. In recent context of COVID-19 pandemic when banks are having higher liquid asset pile up, investment in society will bring positive atmosphere. It can turn liquid assets into long term capital for future growth. Bank in mean time has to create positive financial vibe in society which can be done through fulfillment of corporate social responsibility.
Purpose: The main purpose of this research paper is to find out influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on banking performance.
Design: This research is based on the topic associated with the banking sector. So, field study of the commercial bank of Nepal is done for finding conclusions in research. The researcher wants to prove his points through statistics. Hence, the researcher for this research designed self-structured questionnaire and collect data. For making research more accurate and reliable, researcher adopts quantitative approach. Since, this approach helps to make statement through statistical analysis. Therefore, researcher has adopted quantitative research design for this research.
Findings: CSR create positive surrounding for banking sector. Since, bank conducts its financial activities in society and CSR activities link bank with society. In the research, researcher tested the relationship with several hypotheses and with help of statistical analysis facts are justified. The research reveals significant relationship with CSR and Bank performance. Banks has to be rendering their service to society financially. But, moral, social and ethical aspects have also to be addressed by bank to be more vulnerable for society. The research also suggests that banks are for society and corporate activities done for society helps to enhance banking performance.
Originality/Value: This research paper is outcome of self-designed questionnaire and field survey conducted by researcher. Thus, research is one of a kind and has high value. This research paper is native work of researcher which holds unique content. To provide more accuracy and ease for understanding, researcher has presented the research works through various table and chart which further add on potentiality in research work.
Implication: Researcher is highly convinced that this research work will provide new paradigm to work on improvement of banking sector. Beside that well-presented facts and findings through statistical justifications will help scholars and policy maker to rigorously understand corporate value. Likewise, research is helpful for policy maker to make effective policy for banking sector of Nepal.
Keywords - Corporate Social Responsibility, Performance