Paper Title
Study of Sitar Bridge Transmissibility in the Perspective of Sitar Quality
Study of dynamic behavior of Sitar Bridge is reported in this manuscript. The quality of three Sitars was pre-decided using opinions given by expert juries of ten Sitarists and is reported here as basic, medium and fine quality.Sitar, an Indian string instrument have a peculiar timbre. The bridge that supports Sitar strings plays most important role in transmitting the string vibrations to the resonator, which in turn amplifies the magnitude. The unique bridge geometry is one of the factors that helps in transmitting the signal effectively. This also contributes in changing the timbre of Sitar.In this study we focus on experimental dynamic analysis of three different Sitar bridges. Four accelerometers were place on the top of the bridge and one on the resonator. Transmissibility of the signals was calculated by taking the ratio of the measured signalsat the bottom and top of the bridge afterconverting them in frequency domain. This study proves that not only amplification of the signal reported using the arithmetic mean of the transmissibility, but the uniformity in the amplification over the frequency rangereported using standard deviation is critical. The results clearly showed lower standard deviation for transmissibility values which indicates uniformity in the amplification for the fine quality Sitar.
Keywords - Data Acquisition, Experimental Dynamic Analysis, Sitar Bridge, Transmissibility.