Paper Title
Farmer Solutions: Solutions provided to all the Queries Faced by Farmers
Farmer Solutions only has a sole purpose and that is to help the farmers all around the country. Different types of information that are needed by the farmers to grow crops all around the year without actually harming the natural fertility or rather the productivity of the soil. Which crop is perfect for which soil and under what conditions it can prosper well? There are thousand number of things that you need to take care of if you are a farmer. One mistake or negligence take a heavy toll on the farmers crop as well as his earning. All these kinds of information will be available so that this platform is the one stoppage for all the farmer for solving their queries as no other website till now have tried so many features at one go with such a unique topic and in a time when there is such a huge commotion in the society.
Keywords - Farmer, Solutions, Productivity, Information