Paper Title
Switched Reluctance Motor Driver
The SRM has been the theme of analysis over many years. However, it is one of the oldest types of motors in existence. But it actually was never capable of influencing the industries toward its use. But due to the well-built and durability of the design, it has recently come into consideration as a good challenger to other types of motors and especially in the electric vehicles. It is also cheaper to produce because of its easy construction and is also powerful because it can tolerate mistakes.
The non-functionality of one phase does not utterly stop the motor. Unluckily, it has some drawbacks. The design of SRM produces torque ripple which is not actually desired in automotive applications and they are extremely unwanted when operation at a low speed. Automotive applications require continuous motion without any ripple. Thus, we need a more complicated design of the electronic controller which can take into consideration this torque ripple.
Keywords - Switch Reluctance Motor Driver, Four Phases, Control Strategy, Pulse Width Modulation.