Paper Title
Effect of Pantoprazole on Gastric PH and its Application on Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Bleeding

The focus of this study was to establish the relative importance ofproton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in endoscopic therapy which has become the centerpiece of treatment for peptic ulcer bleeding, with ongoing consensus guidelines advocate high-dose intravenous (IV) PPI therapy (IV bolus followed by continuous therapy). Neverthelessnot high-dose PPI remedy is more successfully than low-dose PPI therapy is still discuss. Gastrointestinal bleeding from peptic ulcer disease is a common clinical event, out turn in mindful patient morbidity and significant health safe keeping costs. Hampering gastric acid production is a key unit in ameliorate clinical outcomes, including reducing rebleeding, transfusion stipulation, and surgery. Elevate intragastric pH assist clot stability and suppress the impact of gastric acid and pepsin. Patients with high-risk stigmata for ulcer bleeding well-being remarkable from and should undergo high-dose intravenous proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) after fortunate endoscopic hemostasis. For patients with low-risk stigmata PPI therapy alone is sufficient. This review assess the verification for the efficacy of pantoprazole, a PPI, in fend off ulcer rebleeding after endoscopic hemostasis, and in manage gastric pH and safeguard in case of upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding in high threat ICU patients. Keywords - Pantoprazole, Peptic Ulcer Bleeding, Pharmacologic Treatment, Proton Pump Inhibitor.