Paper Title
Detection of Optic Disc using Morphology based Algorithm

To determine the health of human eyes, analysis of Retinal images is necessary as the retinal images are used to diagnose the condition of eyes. It is a tricky and time-consuming task for the technicians to deal with the retinal images manually. So, certain methods are developed in which the system takes the retinal images as the input, process the image and produce the output. It is nothing but the application of digital image processing. In this paper, the digital image processing is performed on the retinal images to determine the optic region. The algorithm to locate the Optic Disc, takes colored digital retinal images as the input. The total algorithm is divided into 3 major steps. The first step is Blood vessel segmentation in which the retinal image is processed to display only the blood vessels in binary image form from the given retinal image. This conversion has several internal steps included in it. They involve morphological operations, contrast enhancing and more. The second step is image overlapping block creation. The overlapping block creation is done over non-overlapping blocks to determine the block in which the origin of blood vessel is spreading out in the retinal image. The third step is optic disc segmentation. After diving the binary image into n-blocks each of fixed size, each block is analyzed for the number of non-zero elements. The optic disc region is evaluated by masking the block which contains maximum number of non-zero elements by using morphological operations.