Paper Title
Socio-Economic Problems Faced by Migrant Agricultural Labourers in Punjab
A study was conducted in three agro-climatic zones i.e. sub-mountainous zone (Zone I), central zone (Zone II) and south-western zone (Zone III) of Punjab. Rupnagar district from the sub-mountainous zone, Jalandhar from the central zone and Bathinda from the south-western zone were selected randomly for the study. The primary data were collected from 144 farmers and 144 labourers to examine the socio-economic problems faced by agricultural labourers in Punjab and to analyze the data Likert-scale was used. According to the study majority of the migrant labourers were satisfiedwith the work andwage rates offered to them as compared to other states. However, quite high proportion of migrant labourers reported non availability of work during off season and having less alternative source of employment. Majority of participants also expressed dissatisfaction over other benefits like free shelter, medical facility and clothing, etc., extra incentive for recreation, birthday and festival celebration and sharing expenses on account of travel cost from native place to destination. Farmers view point regarding agricultural labour supply revealed that,majority of farmers expressed that there has been non availability of labour during the time of need, inadequate supply of labour, costly labour, lack of labour market from where adequate number of labourers can be hired at the time of need. Thus the policy makers and planners should develop some contingency plans to enhance employment amenities and supplementing incomes of labourers and existing farming community.
Keywords - Agricultural Labour, Employment, Wage Rate, Satisfaction level, Labour Supply and Migrant Labour.