Paper Title
Predicting Student‘s Performance using Data Mining Techniques: A Survey from 2002 to 2020
Today, many educational institutions suffer from the issue of dropping out students, failing students, recognize poor students because of the lack of a proper framework for assessing and tracking the success and performance of students. This is one of the main challenges of the educational institution, since predicting the performance of students is difficult due to vast volumes of data in educational databases. Predicting student‘s performance at an educational institution is mostly useful in helping the institute management to make strategy and decision making related to improving student performance. Data Mining is one of the efficient methods for predicting student‘s performance in large educational databases. Data Mining is applied in the field of education to predict student‘s performance. Different data mining methods and techniques are used for predicting student‘s performance. This paper present a literature research on data mining methods used to predict student‘s performance from 2002 to 2020. This paper reviews work done by different researcher to predict student‘s performance in all perspective. This paper also discusses commonly used attributes in different research for the student performance analysis.
Keywords - Student Performance, Prediction, Educational Data Mining, Data Mining Techniques.