Paper Title
Desmogging Images via Dark Channel Prior: A Survey

Smog is a natural occurrence that causes scenes to be distorted, visibility to be reduced, and colours to be altered. For photographers, this is an annoyance because it reduces graphics performance. Many applications, such as exterior monitoring, object sensing, and aerial imaging, are also at risk.As a result, computer views/graphics are useful for removing risk from photographs. To overcome this obstacle and inverse the aforesaid problem, a novel preliminary termed dark channel prior was recently introduced. According to the recently provided solution, there are four primary steps: atmospheric light assessment, transmission map assessment, transmission map precision, and image revision. This step-by-step technique to solving the misplaced inverse problem is made possible by these stages for the desmogging procedure. This paper provides a comprehensive review and experimental study of Dark Channel Prior methods, which will help people better understand the efficacy and progress of dehazing algorithms. Keywords - Atmospheric light, Dark Channel Prior, Graphics Performance, Smog