Paper Title
Recent Review of Traffic Sign Classification and Recognition from Deep Learning Techniques

Autonomous driving methods focus on traffic sign classification to function properly. There is a huge variation in the visual look of traffic signs among countries, making it difficult for categorization systems to work. There is a rapid advancement in technology that will make our lives easier, and it is happening all around the world. Autonomous driving has long been a research challenge in the field of intelligent transportation systems. It is usually split into three stages: detection, tracking, and classification. This paper discusses the main challenges in road sign identification and briefly reviews the newest technology in this domain. Increasingly, human beings are searching for more engaging and innovative methods of education. Artificial Intelligence and deep learning are two examples of this type of dream coming to fruition. In the field of AI, deep learning, robotics, and machine learning, the world is moving faster than ever before. Keywords - Autonomous Driving, Traffic Sign Classification, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning.