Paper Title
Smart Garbage Collector and Cleaner

This study describes an innovative and low cost method to collect the waste and clean the path especially at the public areas like park, gardens, societies, etc. The dustbins at these places are filled within a very short time. Hence, they need frequent evacuation and clean-up. Therefore, smart garbage collector and cleaner is proposed to collect the waste from the dustbins and at the same time it will also sweeps the path. This system provides the autonomy of self-cleaning at crowded places with minimum utilization of human resources. The garbage collector is based on the line following concept to move in a designated path using help of IR sensors. Ultrasonic sensors are used for detecting the level of waste filled in the dustbin and as an obstacle avoiding for the system. RFID technology is used for controlling the operation of the dustbins and the container of the smart garbage collector (SGC). Servo motor, integrated with a broom, takes care of cleaning the pathway. Keywords - Autonomy Self-Cleaning, Line Following, RFID Technology, Smart Garbage Collector (SGC).