Paper Title
Buyers to Vendors Online Grocery Shopping Application
Buyers-to-Vendors Online Grocery Shopping is an online application which is developed for buying daily needs products through mobile application in android smartphones. In fast growing world, we don't have enough time to visit supermarket for grocery shopping. Buyers-to-Vendors Online Grocery Shopping App offers online shopping platform for user for buying daily needs products and also get delivered within short time. The app has some user attracting features such as it is easy for peoples to use this application for ordering items because of its user friendly user interface. Another option is available with this application, user can do shopping directly from shop using this app. It is safe for the customer because they can avoid the travel time to buy items in night times and day times. The main motive of this application is to satisfy the customer needs. Growing technology changes the needs for the people that is the reason why the application called “Buyers-to- Vendors Online Grocery Shopping App” has been proposed.
Keywords - Mobile Application, Shopping App, Android ,Android studio, Database.