Paper Title
Biomedical Waste Treatment by Solar Claving Method
Every country is attempting to recover from theU effects of the covid-19 pandemic. True development is one in which resources are used sustainably while produced wastes are properly handled. The methods for dealing with wastes such as incineration, pyrolysis, and so on, but these processes consume a lot of electricity, and wastes that are produced as a consequence of these processing units are damaging the environment as well human health. We can employ renewable resources such as solar energy, hydroclaving, and other methods to avoid these negative consequences Biomedical waste; Solarclaving treatment. We need to make better use of these renewable resources so that we may lessen our reliance on non-renewable resources. The purpose of this research is to propose a treatment system for Biomedical Waste which is simple to operate and can handle wastes at the source itself while lowering the cost of handling by using a truncated box type solar cooker coated with 0.0025m copper sheet painted with black inside. By providing exposure to sunlight for 6 hours at an average daily temperature of 120-125˚c. After the treatment process, there is a significant reduction of 9 log in the amount of microorganisms concentration.
Keywords - Biomedical waste, Solarclaving treatment