Paper Title
Prevalence of Needle Sticks Injuries among Health Care Provider in Tertiary Care Hospital of Rohilkhand Region, Uttar Pradesh: A Cross Sectional Study

Introduction: Health care providers (HCPs) are prone to variety of dangers like infections cuts, needle stick injuries, radiations, vaccines, serums etc. Since this paper mainly aim to see the prevalence of Needle sticks and sharp injuries (NSSIs), which is one of the occupational hazards, occurs during the handling / processing the NSSIs in the hospital. Objective: To study the prevalence of needle stick injuries among the HCPs and to investigate its association with work load among the HCPs in tertiary care hospital of Rohilkhand region, Uttar Pradesh. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in between 2013 to 2014 in Rohilkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, 312 registered HCPs in different tertiary care hospital in Bareilly city were randomly chosen and investigate through structured questionnaire. Mainly the study was based on qualitative data since data is describe through frequency and percentage, also chi square test was used to test the association between work load and prevalence of needle stick injuries. Results and Discussion: Conclusion: The most injuries were identified in HCPs who had been high workload, worked more than 35 hour in a week with and did night duty more than thrice in a week. In this study, 52.6 percent of health care providers suffered a needle stick injury. Among all HCPs, O.T. staff and nursing students had the highest rate of needle stick injuries (69.2%). Keywords - Needle sticks injuries, Health care Providers, Cross-Sectional Study