Paper Title
Improper Waste Management and its Consequential Effects on Inhabitants A Case Study of Rampur Village, India

AbstractAsaresultofanumberofvari-ables,includingpopulationdensity,ahighdegreeofcommercialization, and fast urbanisation, 120,000 tonnesofsolidgarbageareproduceddailyinIndiaasof2014, which has negative effects. However, there is littleindependent research on the health risks connected totrash disposal in Rampursneighbourhoods. The purposeofthisstudyistoinvestigatetheunfavourablehealthconsequencesthatarefrequentlyexperiencedbytheneighbourhood due to the waste disposal system in thearea of Rampur village. In order to conduct a case studyon the impact of garbage disposal on the health of thenearbyresidents,agarbagedisposalareainRampur,waschosen.Randomlyselectedhouseholdswithin500metres of the waste disposal land were interviewed andposed several questions as regarding their standards ofliving, health conditions and waste management in theirarea. This self-structured questionnaire was in a bid togaugetheirperceptionandawarenessofgarbagedisposalpractises. Their advice was also requested in order toeliminate the threat. The analysis unequivocally demon-strates the inadequacy of the current infrastructure, thelackofsuitablecollectionspace,andtheexistenceofopendumpsites that pose grave health concerns. People in thislocation were found to have poor health, including aller-gies, skin irritation, and other gastrointestinal disorders.According to popular perception, the majority of peopleare unaware of the negative impacts of rubbish piles,including the fact that they serve as a breeding groundforpestslikeflies,cockroaches,mosquitoes,rodents,and others that spread disease and zoonotic diseases toadjacent residents. The study’s conclusions will assist theinterested parties in taking the required actions to solve the issue and create a healthi erenvironment.