Paper Title
Clustering Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks
WSN consist of many nodes, each of them is capable of processing its surrounding environmental information first by collecting information, then storing it, and communicating with neighboring nodes through wireless links. In WSNs nodes are deployed either randomly or deterministically, depending upon the application. Deployment in a non-hazardous area is generally deterministic while random placement is preferred in hazardous or battlefield environments. Generally, more nodes are required for random deployment than deterministic deployment. A sensor network consists of a large number of sensor nodes with power, computational and communication capabilities. The biggest challenge for wireless sensor networks is power consumption. In wireless sensor networks, the nodes are battery-powered, so when the nodes send and receive data, they consume power, which shortens the life of the nodes. This paper presents a survey on the clustering techniques which helps in increase the lifetime of network by reducing the energy consumption of node.
Keywords - Wireless Sensor Network, Energy Efficiency, Protocols, Clustering.