Paper Title
Foliar Application of Eco-friendly Starch Stabilized Nano-TiO2 Stimulant for Enhancing Growth Performance of Jasmine Plants

In recent years, environmental problems have caused a lot of stress to plants and led to plant production loss due to various anthropogenic activities. To overcome this abiotic and biotic stress and to improve the crop performance, we are reporting the preparation of starch stabilizedeco-friendly colloidal TiO2 and its applications as a nano-stimulant to Jasmine plants. The colloidal TiO2 is prepared from titanium iso-propoxide along with acetic acid and urea mixture. The prepared colloidal TiO2 is applied to Jasmine leaves in a low concentration (100 mg/L) by foliar spray method and studied the plant yield with a controlled one. It is interestingly observed that the colloidal TiO2 sprayed jasmine plants yield flowers with more weight, longer peduncles, and more blossom timings, and the plants are disease resistant without application of any pesticides. This improvement in crop performance may be due to the enhancement of photosynthesis process by increasing the light absorbance, chlorophyll content, stress tolerance and uptake of more nutrients with antibacterial activities. Keywords - TiO2, Nano Stimulant, Nano Particles, Jasmine, Chlorophyll, Growth and Yield