Paper Title
Design of Cryocooler based test Cryostat for Helium Re-Condenser

This paper describes a vertical type of cryostat for a helium re-condenser having 5 liters liquid helium capacity. Design consideration included: The theoretical calculation of heat load to the cryostat, Mechanical attachments, and 3-D Design etc. A two stage GM(50W at 43K, 1.25W at 4.2K) cryocooler,1st stage used to cool thermal shield top and bottom 40.22K and 46.9K respectively and the 2nd stage of cryocooler is coupled with helium recondenser and Helium bath with equilibrium temperature of 4K. The vacuum vessel has been maintained at 1×10-3 mbar before the starting of cryocooler. The vacuum reaches to 5×10-6 after attaining the equilibrium temperature at the helium vessel and the thermal shield. This paper will highlight the cryostat details along with the cool down and operational test results obtained from the cool down. Keywords - Superconducting Magnet, Cryostat, Cryocooler.