Paper Title
A Study on the Attitude of B.Ed Teachers Trainee towards E-Learning

E-learning is emerging as a prominent way to carry forward the teaching-learning process. In countries like India, where the population is large and the educational resources are limited, E-learning can play a critical role in overcoming this problem. One of the key factors in taking the road of E-learning is learners' readiness. Despite several advantages of E-learning, it would not be meaningful if learners do not adapt. The present study is based on a survey method. 50 B.ED teachers and trainees were taken as samples for the population. An attitude scale was used to collect the data. The differences in students’ attitudes towards E-learning were studied in terms of gender, Education stream, and Level of education. The study mainly focused on exploring attitudes with a special reference to online learning. A self–structured closed questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale was designed for data collection from the students. In spite of slow and meagre internet facilities, with the least understanding of students about online learning, there was a positive approach among students regarding online learning. Policy-makers should comprise online learning matter in the curriculum, and the government demand to arrange workshops and seminars for teachers to provide them with knowledge and application of computers user in the academic process. Keywords - Student Attitude; E-learning; B.Ed Teachers Trainee; Graduate and Post-graduate.