Paper Title
Bioethical Implications in Patent Protection of Biotechnology Related Inventions: An Exploratory Study

The issues and challenges faced by bio ethicsin biotechnology inventions are extensive; there are global, regional, national, community and individual issues. The growth of biotechnological inventions led to the creation of new scientific fields such as cloning technology, genetically modified genes (which could lead to the creation of designer babies), CRISPR Cas9 etc.Biotechnology invention is laudable as there are inventions which benefit living beings, but at the same time,they can also create a catastrophe. The previous study shows that application of bioethical justification is needed in any inventions as it helps to determine the principle of respect for autonomy, nonmal eficence, beneficence and justice. However, the existing literature indicated that there is lack of comprehensive study on the field of identifying the bioethical implications in biotechnological invention. The primary purpose of this study is to analyse themerit and demerits of bioethical principles in biotechnology tobalance the concept of bioethics with the complications of biotechnology innovation. Keywords - Biotechnology, Bioethics, Inventions, Morality, Patents.