Paper Title
Status of Women: Lower Subansiri District of Arunachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh, formerly known as the North East Frontier Agency (NEFA) is the land of rising sun of India. It is endowed with rich biological and cultural diversity. It is the largest among the seven states in the Northeast of India. Currently the state’s economy is largely agrarian. Women constitute almost half of the total population of the state. Women are considered as the backbone of any society. Prosperity of the society depends upon the prosperity of the people specially women. Geographically men and women share the same space and living in the same society but still women are considered and accorded a lower status than men in the world. The women in general play a very important role in every community. Despite of their role the status of women has remained critical. The status of women differs in each region. In most part of the state, women are considered weaker section of the society due to a certain reasons like customs, traditions, attitudes, gender difference and also due to the practice of patriarchal system of the society. In some region specially remote areas of the state the tribal women has been the victim of the whole process. They don’t even get basic facilities and unaware of the modernisation. The society always talks about the gender equality and giving equal rights, opportunity and freedom to women to make them independent and empower but in actual practice it is hardly seen. The practice of polygamy and domestic violence are still prevalent in some areas of the state. But the entire region is free from social evils like dowry system, sati system and female feticide. The women of north-eastern region including Arunachal Pradesh enjoys higher status as compared to the women of other part of the country. This paper examines the role and status of women in Arunachal Pradesh, socio-economic status, decision making and also examine the problems faced by the women of the state. This study is based on primary and secondary data.
Keywords - Women, Status, Arunachal Pradesh, Women Empowerment, Socio-Economic.