Paper Title
Sustaining the Environment through Solid Waste Management Behavior in India: An Empirical Research
This study explored the antecedents of solid waste management behavior based on the psychological framework of Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior. Data collected from 840 students of Udupi district, India was analyzed using structural equation modelling. The results indicated that moral obligation and environmental knowledgehad a significant impact on attitude, while locality attachment, situational factors and subjective normshad a significant impact on intention. The study also revealed that perceived behavioral control was not the predictor of intention; nevertheless, intention was the immediate determinant of solid waste management behavior. This research enhances the understanding of the significance of the role played by determinants of solid waste management behavior and it opens up a scope for academicians as well as practitioners to design a sustainable environment through further research. Implications drawn through the results of this study may be useful to government bodies in improving the pro-environmental behaviors in the context of solid waste management.
Keywords - Environmental Psychology; Environmental Sustainability; Solid Waste Disposal; Student Community; Theory of Planned Behavior