Paper Title
Transgressing Boundaries: Race and Miscegenation in Rasna Barua‘s the Partings

This paper is an exploration of the questions of race and miscegenation that was a byproduct of the European projects of imperialism and colonialism which caused an encounter between the European colonizers and the indigenous colonized communities across the world. The racial lines and boundaries were repeatedly transgressed during the process, specifically in the most intimate spaces of the colonial homes. The result was the birth of the mixed-race children who posed a threat to the myths of superiority of the European races. The Partings by Rasna Barua, set in the colonial tea plantations of North East India, explores the issue of miscegenation through the character of Sonia who is treated as an outcast by the indigenous communities and the British planters but ultimately challenges the social conventions and is able to break free of an oppressive system. Keyword - Colonialism, Race, Miscegenation, Mixed-Race Identity, Tea Plantations.