Paper Title
Settle the Stubble: A Hybrid Approach to Crop Residue Management in India

India is an agrarian economy with about 54.6 percent of total workforce engaged in agricultural and allied sector activities [1]. Though in trend with urbanisation it is evident to boost agriculture and its allied industries; government’s previous initiatives have reflected farmers switch to high yield crops such as wheat and rice. In northern India, many farmers just burn the residues of plant debris after harvesting rice to swiftly prepare their fields for wheat harvests. This is known as burning rice stubble or burning Parali (in the local dialect). In most situations the upper section of the plant is harvested while the lower portion is left behind after the maturing of the grains. The lower part is still there. On the ground, beneath the roots. The crop is chopped using robotic harvesting equipment from an even higher section, leaving stubble that is slightly longer. This releases a considerable quantity of dangerous pollutants into the atmosphere, including damaging gases such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (CPAH), methane (CH4), which may eventually generate smog. Furthermore, the soil loses its richness and dampness. Thus, burning has a deteriorating effect on the environment as well as the health of individuals. Even though farmers throughout the region believe it is the most cost-effective approach to prepare their fields for the next wheat crop given the time available for sowing. There are already strict measures in place, such as fines for burning leftovers and incentives for technology that allows for the safe disposal of residues, but these programmes have not been able to accomplish their goals. Thus, there is a need to establish other means and procedures to eradicate parali that must be planned out and carried out under strict guidelines. Keywords - Crop Residue Management, Parali, Burning, Biomass, Agriculture, Air Pollution