Paper Title
An Exploratory Study on Mental Health and Interpersonal Relationships of Adults During the Work From Home In Covid-19: A Cross-Sectional Study Involving General Health, Resilience, Adversity, Loneliness, Interpersonal Relationships and Work-Family Conflict
Covid-19 had a revolutionary impact on our daily life. Depression, general anxiety, irritation, and vulnerability to diseases were some of the common attributes which had been greatly impacted. Covid-19 had created such a huge impact in work culture that its effects were being studied all over the world to gain an in-depth understanding of management of these effects. The aim of this paper was to review the literature and explore the concept of working from home and the possible impact it could have on the other domains in life. This study also explored loneliness, interpersonal relationship, general health, resilience, ability to deal with adversity and work and family conflict using a cross sectional study design. The study tried to establish some existing patterns and measures to improve the quality of life for individuals working from home by suggesting means to create a balance between the level of investment into work and interpersonal relationships, due to the pandemic, sharing the same limited space. Online social media platforms were used for convenient purposive and snowball sampling. A sample size of 325 was taken. The sample consisted of 163 males and 162 females . Groups based on age, educational qualifications groups, income, occupation were compared using one way anova. Further post hoc analysis for comparing the in-between differences between the groups was run using Bonferroni. Gender and marital status were compared using relevant statistical methods (independent sample T-test). This study tried to illustrate this topic within the context of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic where working from home had ceased to be a voluntary choice and evolved to be more of a norm. The unprecedented changes that came due to the stay-at-home confinement to accomplish social distancing and to palliate the risk of infection has forced people to experience chronic stress and unsettled the people and disrupted several patterns and status quo in their lives.
Keywords - Pandemic, Covid-19, Loneliness, Resilience, Adversity, Interpersonal Relationships.