Paper Title
Conversion of Sign Language to Text and Speech

Abstract - Albeit a specific part of the world experiences discourse and hearing inabilities, communication via gestures is anything but an inescapable language across the world. In the present oral world, a signal- based language isn't especially famous with the overall masses. Notwithstanding, communication through signing itself is a completely evolved language with various territorial vernaculars across the globe. Accordingly, to help with a smoother correspondence between the talking and non-talking world, specialized advancements can be presented. A lot of work has been done toward this path. The essential need of great importance is for an application that can work progressively and can work with ongoing discussions between a sign in sign individual in communication via gestures and one that can't. This paper proposes an application that figures out on this issue articulation. To develop such an application intended to answer continuously and help a live discussion between a talking and non-talking individual, it is important to consider live video contributions to be made to the application which would then be meant discourse. This paper proposes the utilization of convolutional brain organizations (CNN) close by the utilization of Text-to-Speech interpreter. By utilization of the CNN calculation, the signals can be recognized by the proposed application and changed over to message, which can then be changed over into discourse. Keywords - American Sign Language, real-time, gesture recognition, Convolutional neural networks, machine learning, text-to-speech algorithms.