Paper Title
The Challenges and Opportunities for Online Education in India

Abstract - Rapid changes in the technology brought the changes in the education sectors also. A lot of research is undertaken to comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of online education in comparison to regular physical education. Online education is having various challenges and opportunities in India. This research paper includes the comprehensive literature review and also recognized major factors which will enhance the online education in India. Internet access has been identified as a major growth factor of of online education are Internet access in India because it saves money and time, convenient for working professionals, Indian Government’s Initiatives, Gaining recognition among employers and Bridging the level of education and industry expectations. There are some aspects which are creating obstruction in the development are digital infrastructure, limited Social interaction, credibility of degrees, motivation and languages used in online study. This paper also looks into variety of opportunities for the development of online education in India. Keywords - Online Education, Challenges, Opportunities.