Paper Title
To Detect the Human From in & out of The Classroom with Identity by Using IOT Technique
Abstract - In universities, maintaining classroom availability & scheduling time for students dynamically is hard for respective subject, Student unable to attend because of classroom availability & scheduling. If this task done manually then it became very hard to keep track of record. Our system aims to overcome this problem by implementing algorithm which are present in modern days such HOG (Histogram oriented gradients), Eigenfaces [4], fisher- faces, CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) [6] [7] & many more are the algorithms used in this modern days & our system use the HOG algorithm to get the strength of students & arrange the classroom dynamically with respect to the subject. Our educational system will be different than the traditional one & will be used to identify the person/human who is entering in & out from a classroom & count total number of human/persons present in a classroom, it will not consider other object besides the main point of focus [1] [3] [7]. This count is stored into our database like MySQL Database which is used for storing person identity. We use a portable device i.e., Raspberry Pi which will be adjusted according to classroom infrastructure. The Raspberry Pi is connected to either Ethernet or College WIFI so that other data like Total number of lectures taken in a month or semester or year, how many numbers of lecture taken by a teacher in a month or semester or year & Attendance Sheets, it will also be used to modify, delete, edit & update the datasets stored in a Raspberry Pi and all these data will be accessed by the college localhost computer.
Keywords - Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, IOT & Machine Learning