Paper Title
Sustainable Education Management System Via Artificial Intelligence

Abstract - The advancement of digitization is replacing the traditional education system with sustainable smart digital campuses. Many education institutes across globe have implemented digital campuses by leveraging emerging ICT technologies, such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things, big data, block chain technology and artificial intelligence. This article deals with the Indian higher education institutes which are implementing digital transformation at their campuses through Sustainable Education Management system via artificial intelligence with via Artificial Intelligence. Many institutions, which have not implemented the digital transformation towards a Smart Campus, are capable to utilize unexplored ICT resources such as artificial intelligence that could potentially lead to the enhancement of the processes and services. The study demonstrates that Artificial intelligence advanced ICTs are just as so an alternative for improving personal management and information systems in the means of e- services offering. The emphasis is placed on the importance of implementing digital strategies at higher education institutes aimed at fostering sustainable education at every corner of India. Challenges to in-use traditional campuses are also highlighted. For better understanding, India’s step towards fully implementation of Artificial intelligence is discussed. The conclusion summarizes features of the Artificial intelligence applications will contribute to work on strategies for pre-eminent solution. Keywords - Sustainable, Education Management System, Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, ICT’s, Challenges, Pre-Eminent Solution