Paper Title
Transforming the Branding Strategies for New Market Entry with Special Reference to Digital Economy
Abstract - We come across several local and very famous products in certain area which do not require aggressive branding or marketing efforts. They cater to typical local requirements and are owned by a person or a family. We most of the time see that these brands have reached a maturity level in their product lifecycle and are now geared up for horizontal expansion. This leads to various choices to the promoters in terms of geographies & or demography. Entering new market may be an attractive choice but need to be judged by various risk factors that may pop-up while doing so. The writer duo takes a good look into various aspects of opportunities and risk involved in such situations and the way ahead in the process.
The approach in dealing with the new entry into a market is studied in detail from transforming the branding strategies and acquiring new customers’ point of view. The research is a theoretical one with a view to make it more practical in this digital economy.
Keywords - Local Brands, Transforming Branding Strategies, Branding Strategies, New Market Entry