Paper Title
The Relationship among Motivation, Knowledge Retention, Agility/Skill-and Development of Students Using Gamification
In E-leaning using gamification, students are expected to enrich by knowledge, skill development and motivation to study. This study investigated the relationship among knowledge retention, agility/skill-and development of students using Gamification. An online survey was embedded at the end of three gamified MOOCs with large enrolments asking for learners‘ voluntary participation in the study. The survey results from 282 participants indicated that motivation positively influenced knowledge retention and skill development. In addition, knowledge retention has indirect effect on skill development. In recent years, gamification is becoming popular in education development to enrich students experience in classroom. However, there is still lack of awareness among educators and the concern of whether the gamification technique is acceptable by students. Keeping in view critics of gamification is also discussed in this article. The evaluation results indicate that the students positively inclined towards gamification due enhanced knowledge retention and skills development.
Keywords - Gamification, Skill Development, Motivation, Knowledge Retention