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Abstract - Herbal medicinal plants are used to treat almost all of existing and new diseases country of the world. Commiphora wightii has leaves proven to medicinal and nutritional benefits. There is the most important medicinal properties such as anti arthritic, anti-obesity, anti fertility, anti-inflammatory and hypo lipidemic. This herb has been proven to help against nervous and skin diseases, leprosy, marasmus, ophthalmia, hypertension and urinary tract order. Commiphora wightii belonging to burseraceae family. Two different solvents ethanolic and aqueous extracts where prepared from these. Qualitative analysis the presence of carbohydrate, flavonoid, tannic and phenolic compound, organic acid, inorganic acid, coumarins glycosides. Phytochemical studies are actively being investigated is a component that plays a very important role in drug development. Keywords - Burseraceae, Ethanolic, Phytochemical Analysis etc.